Thursday, June 18, 2009

Leading Questions...

OK, before I begin, let me just lay the foundation of what I am about to write with two passages…

Acts 1:8, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth”

Psalm 23:2, “…he leadeth me…”

I was studying Psalm 23 and was looking into the word “lead”, when I came upon this very interesting definition and it quickened me.

lead: to suggest to (a witness) the answer desired by asking leading questions

Now based on the two passages above, I would like to make this statement.

The Shepherd asks leading questions….

I began searching where, at different times in the word and under completely different circumstances, God has asked questions. God has never asked a shallow question. He is not a surface God! His interest in us, searches us and any question He would ask, would be one that would cause us to take inventory of our beliefs because our answer turns out to be our “outcome”. And He is interested, very much in our outcome!

Here are a few examples of questions God asked in the Word:

Genesis 3:9, “Where are you?”

Genesis 4:9 (of Abel), “Where is your brother?”

Genesis 4:10, “What have you done?”

1 Kings 19:13, “What are you doing here?”

Ezekiel 37:3, “Can these bones live?”

Matthew 9:28, “Do you believe that I can do this unto you?”

Matthew 16:15 & Mark 8:29, “But who do you say that I am?”

Luke 24:5, “Why seek ye the living among the dead?”

Now, just for a moment, let God ask you these questions. Every question is an invitation to come to Him…the answer, your reality.

For all of you who have been following me at this blog site, I have moved to I would love it if you would visit me there! Add it to your favorites! Love you all!


REG said...

Just this week I was saying to my lawyer. It's like dancing. You lead. I follow. I hadn't really thought of my testimony of Christ coming the same way by me asking those same leading questions like a lawyer.

Amy Storms said...

Hi, Stacey-
Thanks so much for stopping by the blog. You're right--loads of laundry means loads of people to love! What a neat perspective.
