Friday, April 3, 2009

Breaking the net!

Luke 5:4-6 “Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.” Reading this, we see that in order for Simon to bring in the harvest of fish…he had to launch out into the deep. Until that point, their boat had been tied to the seashore but what is God saying here? He is saying that in order for us to go out into the deep places where we begin to glean, we have to cut the ties to shore, to those things that make us feel secure. For you, that tie may be to your bank account, to your nest egg, your rainy day money. It can be anything that you rely upon rather than God, even a person but when we cut those ties of reliance and launch out into the deep and at His word, let down the nets, that "break" through comes.

And those nets…what are they? I believe they were a type and symbol of an old wineskin. They were meant to be broken so that the great multitude could come in. God is asking us, "Cut the ties. Go out deeper. At My Word cast forth your nets. Sow the old way you have done things. How it’s always been, make it a seed." You see, they had been casting their nets all night and had taken nothing. It was a works mentality and it was not yielding results.

What exactly was Jesus asking them to do? Something different than they had already done? He said, "go out into the deep". That word deep there actually means, a place of deep, extreme poverty. Isn’t that the place where nobody wants to be? Well, that’s where God wants us to be when it comes to the self-life and anything we do to preserve “me, myself and I”…any thing that is “cast” in our minds as a better way. Simon was casting his nets and gotten nothing but then the Word came. You see, there’s even a flip side to this. We can even say, “I’ve done that already Lord and it hasn’t worked. It’s yielded nothing. I've given before, I've prayed that before. I've been there, done that...and nothing!" But at His wordlet your net down. Let your old wineskin down and there will be a draught!

Go back to the text with me one more time. He said, “let down your nets for a draught”. Oh Glory, I can hardly contain it! That word draught means, "the act of drawing in a net.” Seems contradictory doesn’t it? No! It was the moment they released it that the net was drawn in! The moment we release that thing, the moment we sow, is the moment the net is drawn in! I'm all in Lord! I mean "I" am all in! Break this net!!


REG said...

You have no idea what your words have meant to me. The letting out of the net causing the drawing in is so contrary to anything I would trust in. It is exactly what I needed to hear today this very minute and it has divine reprecussions. You have helped confirm for me a decision I just made, one that I know will indeed break not just the net, but the bank as well. I have a peace about it now. Keep writing and allowing God to use you just as you are. Thanks

Stacey said...

Praying for you YICA! You can't go wrong when you move on God's word!

Melissa Flores said...

Let the wineskins break!

REG said...

Looking forward to hearing about what the Lord is doing in your life when you are ready to release that fire inside your bones.