Friday, January 16, 2009

A time to keep silence....

Ecclesiastes 3:7 says that there is a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.

Recently, I have found myself just wanting to be silent. I've been desiring the quiet of my home, the solitude that it offers me...even when my family is around making all the noise that two children and their Daddy can make. But what I have come to realize is that silence isn't subject to circumstance or atmosphere. It's an attitude, a position of the heart and especially the order to hear God.

I read a beautiful quote and I believe this is what has fed the hunger for silence in my life. "Silence is the place...just before the voice of God."

Beautiful, isn't it? And as I was reading the word & making a study of silence, I found that a synonym for silence is "secrecy" or "secret". My spirit man just leaps inside me every time I even think about that.

Immediately my mind made reference to Psalm 91:1, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." and then Psalm 25:14 that says, "The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant."

Allow me to just convey to you what God has spoken to me in my times of silence.

-Silence is the address to where you live. (Psalm 91)

-Silence is a mark of understanding My presence and acknowledging it.

-Silence is the character trait of someone who dwells in the secret place and a witness to the desire to know more of My secrets.

-Silence is the prelude to prophecy, where words are concieved and things come forth. Silence is where I will equip you for what I am about to do, a place of preparation for what is to come.

-Silence is the true mark of reverence and is the atmosphere where I can deposit my secret.

-Silence is characteristic of those who hunger for my secret and recognize my presence.

-A secret is something in which a man has thought me to be silent but in truth, I have made you to know all things...but it's man's unwillingness to be silent that hinders that knowing.

I'm going to step out here for a moment but just bear with me. Revelations 8:1 has always intrigued me and now...even more. It says, "When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour."

I love what the Adam Clarke Commentary has to say about this:

This must be a mere metaphor, silence being put here for the deep and solemn expectation of the stupendous things about to take place, which the opening of this seal had produced. When any thing prodigious or surprising is expected, all is silence, and even the breath is scarcely heard to be drawn.

If silence speaks of that kind of expectation...what a wonderful attitude to hold.

Just recently, Ps. Margaret Vis, a powerful intercessor and very wise woman shared that this year is to be the year of birthing. That means that many of us are expecting. Selah.

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