Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's All Confetti

Isaiah 41:15-16
Look, I have made you like a new threshing board with many sharp teeth. So you will walk on mountains and crush them; you will make the hills like chaff.

You will throw them into the air and the wind will carry them away; a windstorm will carry them away. Then you will be happy in the Lord; you will be proud of the Holy One of Israel.

I was reading this last night and I want to make note of two things….the first being, can you see yourself taking this mountain that is in front of you, threshing it and crushing it under your feet? What ever it is, whether it’s an infirmity, relational difficulties, financial, etc. I couldn’t possibly name every possibility but to thresh it? What a way to look at that! Threshing is to separate the seeds from a plant harvested. Do you realize that this mountain you are facing is for your harvest? It is for you to “strike repeatedly” and take the seed from it? Wow! What a concept! I have always just wanted the mountain to get out of my way. I don’t want to have to strike it, especially not repeatedly as sometimes seems necessary in prayer but according to this…every time I hit that mountain with the word of God…seed is extracted from it for me! I harvest it! And you do too!!

And then, vs. 16 says that we will throw them into the air and the wind will carry them away! It’s a celebration! I got this picture going in my head right now of that mountain just turning to confetti and taking handfuls and throwing it in the air! God says, then will you be happy!

One more thing…off the beaten trail…no pun intended! Hee! Hee!
God had me to begin reading a different version of the bible recently because I am an avid KJV & Amplified reader and I love to study that way. I still study there but just to read, I am trying the New Century Version. Well, when I read in vs. 16 where God says, "Then…you will be proud of the Holy One of Israel.", do you know how that touched me? As children, we so desire for our parents to be proud of us? Well, for the very first time, I heard Him whisper to my heart… “Are you proud of Me?”

I am so proud of my Lord! My heart just swells every time I think of Him!


REG said...

I read a different version every year to keep it fresh. This year I'm reading in Spanish and seeing so many things I've never noticed before.
I really like the visuals of threshing a mountain and throwing it in the air like confetti. Well done. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa Flores said...

Yippee! The mountain is a heap of confetti! Awesome. Let's start shredding.