Friday, March 27, 2009

My heart is fixed, O God!

In Psalm 57:7, we read from David, "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise." Now we know that David has such a fixation with God, such focus...that his outward expression of that was to lift up his voice an sing and to give praise.

Now, it's on record that David was not a "private" praiser. He literally danced until he had exposed himself and all he had to offer and even desired to offer...was himself...uncovered...unhindered...nothing added to or taken away from what God created him to be. Raw praise! So that would lead me to believe that when David decided he would wasn't alone in the shower or off somewhere in a corner. He was not an out of site, out of mind kind of guy..atleast that's not the impression I get.

So, when David gave sang his song, would God have been the only one recieving from the praise David was giving? No, if others heard him and were listening, their hearts were changed. They had to have been asking, "Who is he singing to? Who is the object such loud love?" With Davids focus on God and his song released for God...praise was given. A gift was distributed and other hearts no doubt became fixated as well. He drew their focus...their attention to Father.

This is my song today...for all to hear! (or read) My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed. I will sing and give praise. Notice that David had to say it twice. Sometimes, with all the distraction, we have to go back to our heart and remind it that it is fixed on God and capture it's attention again...return to your first love!


REG said...

Thank you for the reminder of who I should be focused on.

Melissa Flores said...

FOCUS... I needed that reminder, today. Twice is nice. Love ya.